Best apps and websites to find jobs in India


There are many job search sites where companies and recruiters post job vacancies through recruitment software. Job seekers browse jobs on these sites based on their qualifications, skills, and industry. In India, there are numerous websites and applications which are user-friendly and developed in a way to accommodate a variety of jobs. We will review some commonly used applications in India.


One of the primitive and the most popular job portals in India is The website was launched in 1997 and is accessed by thousands of job seekers daily. Jobs are posted and updated on a daily basis by recruiters of organizations. It’s easy to use. Aspirants can get their resume built with its premium service or plan to stand out in the job market. Other benefits include recruiter connection, gaining more visibility, and priority application, among others.

2.     Indeed

Indeed a mobile-based app. It’s user-friendly. It fetches information about you from your profile and gets you notified of jobs pertinent to your skills. It gives the option to create and share resumes with recruiters not just in India but worldwide.

3.     Goodspace

Goodspace app is user-friendly. You can get replies from recruiters within 24 hours. On GoodSapce, recruiters not just look at your professional skills but behavioral skills as well, which are validated based on counterpart responses.

4.     Glassdoor

Glassdoor is also a popular job portal, and it is free to use. It does not merely provide good options but also gets you information about the company you’re willing to work with. It provides feedback and reviews from ex-workers of that particular organization.

5.     Linked In

LinkedIn is a popular professional networking site and more than a typical job board, so it works a little bit otherwise than traditional job applications.

  • It is a mobile-based app user friendly. It’s not just a job portal but also a great platform to increase your social capital.
  • Recruiters can approach you based on skills you have jotted down in your Linked In profile.
  • It’s not like social sites; it’s more productive than them.
  • Connections made here are based on the expertise you share with others.
  • In this era, Linked In is like a detailed resume you would want to share with your recruiter, so great it wisely.

6.     Fresherworlds

The name of the website “fresherworlds” depicts that it’s for newbies who don’t have any expertise in their relevant field. This website not just provides them with opportunities but offers different upskilling courses.

7.     MonsterIndia

MonsterIndia is another primitive yet popular and widely used web app in India.

  • Aside from job postings, it also has an in-depth blog section where you can find useful tips on interviewing and job hunting. It has a search filter feature to help job seeker narrow down their job search. The site works both on the
  • website and
  • with a mobile app.

Aside from the regular features, MonsterIndia offers various resume services, both free and paid, depending on users’ choices.

8.     JobsRapido

JobsRapido is a website based in 58 countries. It doesn’t ‘share the aspirant’s information with any third party. It does consider the candidate’s concerns before going ahead.

9.     Shine

This job doorway is managed by HT Media and is a creative place for people to find jobs in India. Standard job portal features include phone, email, and live chat support and easy navigation. Apart from these, some key features for job seekers include;

  • advanced job search features,
  • job alerts, resume hiding features,
  • resume generators, company reviews, etc.

10.  TimesJobs

TimesJobs is also a well-known job search portal used widely in India. This portal is managed by Times Group and has over 25 million registered aspirants. The main feature of this job portal is that it suggests jobs and companies based on a candidate’s profile. It also has a separate section for government jobs and the site, particularly for IT jobs.

3 Responses

  1. Dandu. Pavan says:

    Jobs 🙏

  2. Sainath says:


  3. Biswajit says:


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